Anna, who is living peacefully and comfortably in her hometown, was forced to leave to attend to a boarding school in Paris. With nothing much information about her new place, Anna lives her life in Paris with a set of friends who she got to know through Meredith, the girl who lives next to her room. Plus, this English guy who speaks French and English in a sexy British accent -- Ettiene St. Clair -- was unconsciously starting to get Anna's heart. Unfortunately, Ettiene has a girlfriend; nonetheless, he finds himself more and more comfortable with Anna, and falls in love with her just as well. As the year progresses, with so many people between them, Anna has her hopes up of having Ettiene, and Ettiene having Anna. Will the City of Light prove its name for Anna?
Let's talk about good stuff:
Etienne! I'm sorry, I meant
Anna and the French Kiss!
The characters were all lovely: Anna, Ettiene
(, Meredith, Rashmi, Josh. I also love, love, love the setting which is Paris! This is the first book I read with Paris as its setting. I'm seriously in love with it! There were tons of places in Paris that were mentioned. What's better is that Stephanie Perkins didn't used overrated tourist spots. She gave other stunning places of Paris, aside from the Eiffel Tower, a chance to be known. What I liked most about this book, aside from Ettiene, is that
it gave me the cheapest trip to Paris. And now, I'm studying French. Seriously.
I'm certainly in love with Ettiene!!!
No doubt, you've already noticed it. Who wouldn't swoon over an English guy who is next to perfect (not too tall, has a sexy British accent)? I love the fact that Perkins didn't use an over-used image of a male lead. Instead, she made Ettienne as not the usual 6-footer guys as other authors use. He's short, and I'm short. I think we're meant to be.
Kidding aside, I
certainly recommend Anna and the French Kiss to all bookworms out there ages from 14 and above (I guess?)
My rating:
Check out my
French playlist which I specially made for
Anna and the French Kiss!
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