
Unlike Divergent, Insurgent has a slow-paced story that makes you wish there's a fast forward button somewhere. I'm not sure if I only lacked imagination while reading this book, or it is simply kind of boring. Maybe I was used to Divergent's fast-paced and exciting plot. In this book, there are fewer significant events compared to Divergent.

Insurgent is not as bad as I made it sound to be, though. Roth did not forget to at least put some edge-of-the-seat scenes. There are also scenes that make your mind work and wonder who's the real villain, who to trust and ask for the real motives or real reason behind the events. Just like Divergent, you won't fail to establish connection with the characters. There was this scene where Tris decided to do something that almost cost her life, and I just want to go inside the book and slap the book itself on her face just like Four would want to. It's pretty cool because here, we can finally go inside the Erudite Headquarters.

Which is better: Divergent or Insurgent? Divergent, obviously.



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Kae Nava is currently on her 2nd year in college in University of Santo Tomas, and is taking BS Medical Technology. Change is not the only thing constant in this world. Her love for books is.